Howtobecome Successful professional blogger?

Although there are many online jobs but blogging is one of the best. Blogging has gained much traction and popularity. Wherever you look on the internet, there is always someone ready to provide you with information and keep your eyes, mind and fingers engaged with a wide variety of topics. A professional blogger is someone that makes their living blogging. If you have a passion for writing and want to turn your talent into a profitable trade, here’s a professional blogger Shambhavi mishra, who shares her do’s and don’ts on how to become a successful blogger:

  1. Know your passion: This is the first and the most important step while starting off with any business. One must find out what you are good at , or what interests you the most. What subject inspires you the most or what subject intrigues you. Blogging is extremely passion driven, you won’t be able to write at length about topics which do not interest you therefore, One must discover the passion which later on becomes your expertise or Niche.
  2. Develop a strategy: when you say professional blogger, it means someone who is making a living out of the Blogging. Remember, it’s a business and not a charity. A name which defines what you blog about , what all mediums are you going to use for promoting your blog, what is your target audience, how much money are you willing you invest during initial stages, who all are already in the market as thought leaders of your niche.
  3. Read and Research: Never stop this practice If you really want to be known as an expert of your niche. Dedicate one day every week to the Reading and researching about your niche, Current trends of the markets etc. This will help you in choosing your next topic for the blog.
  4. Create quality content: Keep a check that you are doing the best you can while creating content. Of course there is no limit to making it better and better but making sure that your basics are right is the least. Double check the minor grammatical errors as well as the Get your facts right. Even while posting a photograph on social media one needs to be sure that the quality as well as but the idea behind making the post is clear and precise.
  5. Learn SEO: You can’t ignore this one. Obviously you can hire someone to do the search engine optimization for you but still you need to know at least the basics of it. You don’t want to fool off your hard earned money right? You are making fabulous content with high quality images but still nobody gets to read it. That’s because you are not writing Search engine optimized article. No matter what, this is one skill one has to master if you really plan to make it big In blogging.
  6. Scale up the social media game: This is the need of the hour and if you don’t take it seriously you will be left behind. Blogging is most volatile right now and has come up as one the sought after profession. Infact, today even when one doesn’t have a blog or a website is put in the category of the Bloggers and that’s precisely because of the rise of social media. This is actually a great opportunity for those who really want to step up their game and make a mark. Social media is more interactive and more friendly, It lets you know your audience in a better way and drives good traffic to your blog, So why not. Put some energy in building a good social media space for yourself and you will not only fuel your Blog with more traffic but also generate another means of making money.
  7. Consistency: Make sure you follow a schedule while writing blog post or even for your social media. It’s a commitment to your audience, they expect you to feed them with information and if you are not doing that timely then you are sending a signal to them that you are not serious. Not only to your Audience, will being inconsistent also make you look unprofessional in front of the brand.
  8. Networking is the key: Biggest of the business deals are cracked over a glass of wine or a coffee to go out and meet new people. Be seen at important events of your industry but be relevant and exclusive. Stay connected with the other bloggers of your niche. This will not only keep you abreast with their work but will also make you have a deeper foothold in the industry. Nobody wants to work with a blogger who nobody knows.
  9. Know your worth: It’s only after a few years of continuous work on yourself and your blog and social media that you can start commanding a big paycheck. However, if you are making quality content with a decent audience, don’t shy away from talking money. After all, you know what value you are bringing onto the table.
  10. Be ethical: this is the key which is going to take you places. Your audience whether on your blog or social media trusts you and take each and every word of yours very seriously. They actually follow your advice. Do not ever take up a project which you do not believe in. if you are recommending a product make sure you love it in your personal life as well. Add value to the life of your audience and you will never have to look back.

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