By Dr. Gunita Singh B.D.S. and M.D.
of Dentem & Associate Consultant, Sri Ganga Ram Hospital

COVID came with damage to every aspect of human physical and mental health. Pandemic was a curse in itself, fear of COVID and staying locked in your houses — the combination was nerve-wracking and the worst is that it is not over yet. The disaster caused by the second wave is still haunting us. And there is a persistent fear of 3rd wave approaching us any time. In this, I can understand that dental health is the last thing on anyone’s mind .people chose to eat a pain killer or a couple of them but not step out to visit a dentist.

And fair enough quote-unquote Jaan hai to Jahan hai. We at DENTEM were open throughout the lockdown but obviously for emergencies. As a policy, we too never encouraged anyone to visit us it’s just we were there if you needed us. Today I would like to throw some light on the damages that have been done to oral health and how to overcome the same.

Regular check-ups to the dental clinic became a big No

Stich in time saves 9. A regular visit to the dental clinic was a blessing & saved one’s teeth and other oral issues in a great way. Since the pandemic it has become a big no, as a result, we are unable to catch the problem before it becomes a big a result. By the time patient comes to us, he is in pain & damage has been done leading to bigger issues.


As things are better now, do visit for a dental check-up. Don’t neglect further. Get your full mouth X-ray OPG has done to catch problems if any at an early stage.

Bi-annual cleaning (Oral Prophylaxis): Many of us have missed our bi-annual/ annual cleaning this year. I can understand as aerosol was a major threat & better to be avoided


We at DENTEM do laser cleanings, so it’s better. Please visit for laser cleaning of teeth & gums. Actually, the major issue is food getting stuck in between teeth. One can order water pik online and use it on daily basis to keep interdental areas clean.

Dental pain
During lockdown people chose to use home remedies like clove oil, alcohol swab or didn’t mind even popping in the pain killers but the dental clinic was a big scare, totally understandable. But that lead to major issues like infections, swellings and loss of tooth & bone eventually.


Dentistry has become really vast and we have options for almost everything. Do visit now and consult your dentist. It’s never too late for anything.

Bleeding from the gums:
Many are complaining of bleeding gums too early in age and reason is very simple in-between snacking/ junk food at home while sitting in front of the computer.


Please stop. Eat crispy Veg / fruits like apple, carrot, peas. They are natural toothbrushes. Keep teeth clean and gums healthy, also gum massage with any edible oil 5 minutes morning and 5 minutes in the evening can give extra life to your gums and teeth.

Above all, a good dental regime is an answer to all problems.

Don’t forget to brush twice a day: Whether its morning or night, brushing is a must. Due to busy schedules, people usually forget to brush at the night or take it for granted, but this is the biggest mistake that they do. For maintaining oral hygiene, brushing twice is the key essential thing to follow.

Gum massages: We all are quarantined at our places and this is the best time to take care of
ourselves. Spend some time with your gums as they are the foundation of your teeth. Healthy gums are equal to healthy teeth. Massaging in a circular motion for 5 minutes in the morning and evening with the oil of your choice (olive oil, vitamin E oil, and almond oil) can do wonders for your gums.

Tongue cleaning should be on priority: Once a day, tongue cleaning with glycerine and cotton pad can prove to be magical not only for the lovely pink tongue but also bacteria-free oral cavity.

Mouth wash: rinse your mouth after every meal for 2-3 times with a mouth wash of your choice swirl it for at least 30 seconds each for best results.

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