
By Mansi Gulati- Face Yoga Expert

Open wide and smile – you’ll look years younger with face yoga.

A face yoga specialist has created a 20-minute daily program that is a ‘NATURAL FACE LIFT’

The Face Yoga expert, who has created a 20-minute program is to be carried out daily, six times a week. Together with Massage, Acupressure, Yoga and Facial exercises to give a “safe anti-ageing results – a natural face lift

We affirm that anyone can benefit from fewer lines and wrinkles, and get firm jaw line with improved skin tone, plus reduced headaches and eye strain which in turn eases tension, and gives best and healthy glow on your face.

“Just as your body needs regular exercise to stay toned and firm, there are 57 muscles on your face and neck which also needs to be exercised. As they become stronger, they are lifted and firmed and the skin attached to the muscles gets tautened, reducing lines and wrinkles.” The massage moves increase circulation, lymph flow and remove toxins, improving skin tone, reducing puffiness and dark circles.

The benefits of regularly doing face yoga are reduction of lines and wrinkles, improved skin tone, reduced headaches and eye strain, release of tension, an energetic appearance and a healthy glow on the face. Face yoga also gives a holistic feeling of wellbeing which can benefit the mind and body.

  It’s all natural. From creams and serums to injections and surgeries, there are plenty of anti-aging strategies to maintain a youthful look. The problem is that these methods often use chemicals or surgical procedures to get results. Facial yoga is as natural as it gets—no who-knows-what ingredients or hours under a laser or scalpel.

  It releases tension. You might be surprised at how much tension you hold in your face and neck. Facial yoga teaches you to become more aware of those muscles so you can relax them anytime you feel tightness creeping up.

 It helps reduce wrinkles. Some wrinkles come with age. Some come because we’re constantly tensing muscles in the face, like those around the eyes or mouth. Facial yoga builds awareness so you can release the unhealthy tension that’s carving crows’ feet and other wrinkles.

  It may promote collagen production. The muscle activity might boost collagen production, keeping the skin younger looking.

** There is face yoga to your rescue that can diminish these signs of ageing, learn  from a leading face yoga expert Mansi Gulati

Look younger with face yoga

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